LAW 8078
Externship:Law & Entrepreneur
Two students each semester will work in the Berwyn office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP for 15 to 20 hours per week on transactional and start up matters for early stage business clients. The work will focus primarily in the areas of corporate and securities law. A typical semester might include a "clean up" of a botched business organization with a complete set of corporate documents, preparation of a blue sky memorandum, a first draft of a confidential offering memorandum or work on the acquisition of a business. A Pepper Hamilton LLP attorney would serve as the supervising attorney for all work. The students will also meet with Professor Booth who will at those meetings monitor their progress, and engage in substantive discussion and critiques of the students' projects. Students will receive a letter grade based on the evaluation of the supervising attorney and Professor Booth. Both the student and the supervising attorney will be required to sign a Statement of Educational Objectives and Responsibilities designed to ensure that all parties fully understand the nature of the undertaking involved. To be considered for one of two spots available in either semester students must:Enter the appropriate course number on the Registration Form Attach a current resume and writing sample Include written permission to release the student's transcript to the representative of the law firm.