LAW 7220 :
Leverag Tech to Promote Just

This course is for students who are interested in the intersection of law and technology and have a desire to do work that promotes access to justice for low-income and self-represented litigants. Students will participate in a weekly seminar and complete a project under the supervision of their professor. Students will translate substative legal knowledge into an expert system relying on rules-based artificial intelligence. Students will gain first-hand experience applying the type of logical reasoning used in programming to achieve a particular outcome by creating guided interviews that include just-in-time learning tools, such as pop-up definitions, help questions and answers, and graphics and videos that contextualize the legal process for the user. The seminar portion of the course will focuse on issues related to access to the legal system, including economic and regulatory barriers, resource constraints and statutory limits that apply to publicly funded legal providers, and the individual and collective empowerment potential of apps, social media, and the internet. By the end of the semester, students will have produced a tangible work product for a community entity in the form of a functional app intended for real-world adoption. Specific technical knowledge is not required. This is a skills intensive course. No Exam

