LAW 7218
Fair Housing
Today, this prophecy still looms over the horizon. While the legislation has profoundly reshaped the landscape for equal access to housing opportunities, there is no doubt that its as pirations remain unrealized. Through this course, students will investigate the historical and legal developments that have operated to create and perpetuate several spatial dimensions of inequality including racial segregation, poverty concentration, and displacement. The associated materials will provide entries into an examination of the consequences of these inequalities for individuals, communities, and American society as a whole, as well as how these seemingly-intractable problems were established and continue because of public policy decisions.
Moreover, though an acute focus on the particular plight of people of color animated passage of the statute, the modern incarnation bans discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status and national origin. Further still, recent federal court decisions have construed the ban on sex discrimination as having implications for sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Accordingly, the plight of other protected populations will be taken up.