LAW 7107
Advanced Legal Research
This course expands upon the research strategies and resources covered in the basic first year Legal Research class. By exploring standard and specialized legal and non-legal sources, students will refine their ability to develop efficient and effective research strategies that are tailored to their information needs. Areas of research to be covered include administrative law, legislative history, transactional and litigation materials, labor and employment, fact-finding research, state-specific and free resources, research planning and search execution and exposure to resources from many different areas of legal practice ( may include sports law, health law and others). Primary and secondary sources along with practice-oriented materials including CLE materials and drafting resources will be discussed for each area of law and students will get hands-on practice using an online practice management system. In addition, students will be introduced to non-legal areas of research incorporating business, medical and scientific research sources. Grading will be based on performance on two projects (a company profile and a research guide) and a variety of research exercises performed in class and for homework throughout the semester. There will be no final examination for this course and students will instead create a research guide website using free web-development software. Exam Info: No Exam